  • 杨威,肖旭生,李邓锋,李豁然,刘譞哲,王浩宇,郭耀,谢涛.移动应用安全解析学:成果与挑战[J].信息安全学报,2016,1(2):1-14    [点击复制]
  • YANG Wei,XIAO Xusheng,LI Dengfeng,LI Huoran,LIU Xuanzhe,WANG Haoyu,GUO Yao,XIE Tao.Security Analytics for Mobile Apps: Achievements and Challenges[J].Journal of Cyber Security,2016,1(2):1-14   [点击复制]
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杨威1, 肖旭生2, 李邓锋1, 李豁然3, 刘譞哲3, 王浩宇3, 郭耀3, 谢涛1
(1.伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 计算机系 厄巴纳 美国 61801;2.NEC 美国研究所 普林斯顿 美国 08540;3.北京大学 信息科学技术学院 北京 中国 100871)
关键词:  移动安全  数据解析  机器学习  程序分析
Security Analytics for Mobile Apps: Achievements and Challenges
YANG Wei1, XIAO Xusheng2, LI Dengfeng1, LI Huoran3, LIU Xuanzhe3, WANG Haoyu3, GUO Yao3, XIE Tao1
(1.Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, 61801, USA;2.NEC Laboratories America, Princeton, 08540, USA;3.School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
With the increasing popularity of mobile apps, security incidents of mobile apps frequently occur. Accurately identifying security threats among billions of mobile apps has become an important and difficult topic in information security. In the meantime, the increasing number of mobile apps leads to a massive amount of mobile security data, which enables security analytics for mobile apps. In this article, we illustrate recent research achievements on mobile security analytics from five different perspectives:User Interface (UI) analytics, identification of repackage apps, consistency checking between apps functionality and security behaviors, context-sensitive detection of malicious behaviors, and client app management/usage. We also discuss future directions on security analytics for mobile apps, along with challenges in these directions.
Key words:  mobile security  data analytics  machine learning  program analysis