  • 朱芮,刘布楼,刘艺语,邹鑫雨,李晨亮.基于文本注意力的推荐系统可解释性研究[J].信息安全学报,2021,6(5):128-143    [点击复制]
  • ZHU Rui,LIU Bulou,LIU Yiyu,ZOU Xinyu,LI Chenliang.Research on Interpretability of Recommendation System based on Text Attention Mechanism[J].Journal of Cyber Security,2021,6(5):128-143   [点击复制]
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朱芮1, 刘布楼2, 刘艺语1, 邹鑫雨1, 李晨亮1
(1.武汉大学国家网络安全学院 武汉 中国 430072;2.清华大学计算机科学与技术系 北京 中国 100084)
关键词:  推荐系统  注意力机制  可解释性  用户评论  深度学习
Research on Interpretability of Recommendation System based on Text Attention Mechanism
ZHU Rui1, LIU Bulou2, LIU Yiyu1, ZOU Xinyu1, LI Chenliang1
(1.School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China;2.Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Interpretability can enhance users' trust in the recommendation systems, and improve the persuasion and transparency of the latter. So far, many efforts have been devoted to achieve recommendation interpretability. The rich information provided in user reviews can reflect user's preference and consumption experience, as well as the corresponding item's features. Hence, recent deep review-based recommendation systems capitalize reviews for accurate and interpretable recommendation and have advanced this purpose significantly. The built-in attention module devised in these deep review-based recommendation systems models can identify semantic units (e.g., words, aspects, or individual reviews) from the corresponding reviews, which also facilitate the interpretability of the recommendation systems. However, interpretability is typically taken as an auxiliary evaluation subtask in some works, where examples are used as case studies for some qualitative comparison to show that the recommendation system is interpretable. Right now, there is no comprehensive evaluation towards how good the interpretability delivered by these review-based recommendation systems are. In this paper, according to the different calculation methods of attention weight, we first summarize existing deep review-based recommendation systems into three categories:attention-based recommendation system, interaction-based recommendation system, and aspect-based recommendation system. Then, we perform a human evaluation based on the built-in attention mechanism of five state-of-the-art deep review-based recommendation systems across three real-world datasets, covering all three categories for interpretability evaluation. The annotation results suggest that the interpretability of different deep review-based recommendation systems is different, but the current deep review-based recommendation systems can successfully uncover more than half of user's preference for the target item with higher chance. We also note that there is no absolute winner in discovering user preference from all cases, among the five recommendation systems evaluated. That is, the models are complementary to each other in terms of recommendation interpretability. Through further data analysis, it is found that a higher recommendation accuracy often indicates that the highlighted information in the reviews is indeed relevant to the user's preferences or item's features. It shows that the built-in attention mechanism of the recommendation systems can not only enhance the interpretability, but also improve the prediction accuracy. Moreover, we found that compared with long reviews, recommendation systems are easier to capture the feature information in shorter reviews; and recommendation systems with high interpretability scores are more likely to give adjectives a higher weight. Overall, this work sheds some light on further research towards the development of interpretability evaluation and better review-based recommendation system solutions.
Key words:  recommendation systems  attention mechanism  interpretability  user reviews  deep learning