  • 陈锦雯,罗得寸,唐呈俊,唐晨钧,丁勇.基于区块链的农业物联网可信溯源体系[J].信息安全学报,2022,7(2):139-149    [点击复制]
  • CHEN Jinwen,LUO Decun,TANG Chengjun,TANG Chenjun,DING Yong.The Trusted Traceability System of Agricultural Internet of Things Based on Blockchain[J].Journal of Cyber Security,2022,7(2):139-149   [点击复制]
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陈锦雯1, 罗得寸1, 唐呈俊1, 唐晨钧1, 丁勇1,2
(1.广西密码学与信息安全重点实验室, 桂林电子科技大学, 广西 桂林 541004;2.鹏程实验室网络空间安全研究中心, 广东 深圳 518055)
随着农业信息化的快速发展, 农业物联网逐渐成为智慧农业必要的基础设施。未来智慧农业依赖大量的物联网传感器,为了解决农业物联网中数据孤立、不可靠、容易被篡改、难以追踪追责的问题, 本文提出了一种基于区块链的农业物联网可信溯源体系。考虑农业物联网数据量大、种类繁多的特点, 本方案基于 Hyperledger fabric 智能合约, 采用分布式 raft 共识协议, 结合物联网设备服务, 精准权限控制, 实现物联网数据存储溯源的可靠可信以及冗余数据过滤与基于属性的访问控制, 大幅减少了冗余数据, 提高了安全性。 在本文提供的方案中, 农场管理员授权员工用户绑定所属物联网设备, 物联网设备定期上传的文本数据发送到智能合约进行聚类筛选, 剔除冗余数据后上链存证。 利用 IPFS 分布式存储图像、 视频, 通过区块链存证其内容哈希、智能合约管理其生命周期。采用链上存储、链下计算的模式对大量本地数据进行分析、统计、可视化展示; 进行链上校验, 针对文本数据采用直接上链存储的方法, 对于图片文件采用本地存储、链上校验的方式确保图片信息不被篡改。仿真和分析结果表明, 本方案在稳定性、安全性上优于传统溯源方案, 性能上满足千级数量的物联网设备并发上链的需求。
关键词:  区块链  农业物联网  可信溯源  IPFS
基金项目:本课题得到国家重点研发计划项目(No.2020YFB1006003,No.2020YFB1006004)、国家自然科学基金项目(No.61772150,No.61862012,No.61962012)、广东省重点领域研发计划项目(No.2020B0101090002)、广西自然科学基金项目(No.2018GXNSFDA281054,No.2018GXNSFAA281232,No.2019GXNSFFA245015,No.2019GXNSFGA245004, No.AD19245048)、鹏城实验室网络空间安全研究中心网络仿真项目(No.PCL2018KP004)的资助。
The Trusted Traceability System of Agricultural Internet of Things Based on Blockchain
CHEN Jinwen1, LUO Decun1, TANG Chengjun1, TANG Chenjun1, DING Yong1,2
(1.Guangxi Key laboratory of Cryptography and Information Security, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China;2.Pengcheng Laboratory Cyberspace Security Research Center, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China)
With the rapid development of agricultural informatization, Agricultural Internet of Things has gradually become a necessary infrastructure for smart agriculture. In the future, smart agriculture depends on a large number of IoT sensors. In order to solve the problems of isolated, unreliable, easily tampered and difficult to track responsibility in the Agricultural Internet of Things, this paper proposes a trusted traceability system of Agricultural Internet of Things based on blockchain. Considering the characteristics of large amount and wide variety of Agricultural Internet of Things data, this scheme is based on the hyperledger fabric intelligent contract, adopts the distributed raft consensus protocol, combined with Internet of Things equipment services and accurate authority control, it realizes the reliable traceability of Internet of Things data storage, redundant data filtering and attribute based access control, greatly reduces redundant data and improves security. In the scheme provided in this paper, the farm administrator authorizes the employee user to bind the Internet of things device. The text data uploaded by the Internet of things device regularly is sent to the smart contract for clustering and screening. After removing the redundant data, it is linked and stored. IPFS is used to store images and videos, the content hash and smart contract are stored in the blockchain to manage its life cycle. A large number of local data are analyzed, counted and visually displayed in the mode of on chain storage and off chain calculation. For the text data, the method of direct uplink storage is adopted, and the picture files are stored locally and verified in the chain to ensure that the picture information is not tampered with. The simulation and analysis results show that this scheme is superior to the traditional traceability in terms of stability and security, and its performance meets the requirements of thousands of IoT devices on the chain concurrently.
Key words:  blockchain  agricultural Internet of Things  trusted traceability  IPFS