  • 姚翔宇,苏燕青,昝乡镇,许鹏,刘文斌.一种基于前向纠错码的图像DNA加密存储算法[J].信息安全学报,2023,8(6):28-36    [点击复制]
  • YAO Xiangyu,SU Yanqing,ZAN Xiangzheng,XU Peng,LIU Wenbin.An Image Encryption and Storage Algorithm Based on Forward Error Correction DNA Codes[J].Journal of Cyber Security,2023,8(6):28-36   [点击复制]
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姚翔宇, 苏燕青, 昝乡镇, 许鹏, 刘文斌
(广州大学计算科技研究院 广州 中国 510006)
近年来DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) 存储发展迅速, 实现数字图像DNA存储和安全传输成为有待解决的问题。因此该文提出了一种面向DNA存储的基于前向纠错码的图像加密算法。首先使用动态约瑟夫遍历算法对图像像素点进行行置换和列置换, 以消除明文图像相邻像素之间的相关性。其次, 使用图像分解方法将明文图像分解为8个子图, 然后再重新组合, 实现了对图像像素值的置换, 从而进一步消除明文图像的纹理特征和破坏其统计学特征。再次, 对图像进行全局扩散, 使明文的微小变化以扩散的形式影响密文, 以抵抗差分攻击。最后使用可纠错DNA编码表将图像加密编码为DNA序列, 合成后进行存储。算法将明文图像加密成DNA序列并存储, 这种存储方式与传统存储介质相比更为安全。同时, 可纠错DNA码使得密文可以在DNA存储环境中可靠读取。该文使用3张常用图像包括lena_gray、peppers_gray、baboon_gray, 测试算法的安全性以及在DNA存储环境下的鲁棒性。仿真结果表明, 该方法可以有效抵御多种密码学攻击, 并且在DNA存储环境下对碱基错误和序列缺失等问题表现出良好的鲁棒性。
关键词:  图像加密  约瑟夫遍历  图像分解  可纠错DNA码
基金项目:本课题得到国家自然科学基金(No. 62072128, No. 61876047, No. 62002079)资助。
An Image Encryption and Storage Algorithm Based on Forward Error Correction DNA Codes
YAO Xiangyu, SU Yanqing, ZAN Xiangzheng, XU Peng, LIU Wenbin
(Institution of Computational Science and Technology, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China)
In recent years, DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) storage has developed rapidly, the storage of digital image in DNA and its security of transmission has become a problem to be solved. In this paper, an DNA storage-oriented image encryption storage algorithm based on forward error correction code is proposed. Firstly, we apply dynamic Joseph traversal to scramble the rows and columns of the plaintext image. Secondly, the image decomposition method is used to decomposite the plaintext image into 8 subgraphs, thus further eliminating the texture features of the plaintext image and transforming the statistical distribution of pixel values. Thirdly, the image is globally diffused, so that the little changes in plaintext image will affect the whole ciphertext in the form of diffusion, which make the alogrithm has the ability to resist differential attack. Finally, the error correcting DNA coding table is used to encrypt and encode the image into DNA sequences, which are synthesized and stored after encrytion. In this way, the plaintext image is encrypted in DNA sequences which consist of mang error corretion DNA codes. Compared to traditional image encryption algorithm, the ciphertext of the proposed encryption algorithm is storaged in DNA storage system rather than traditional storage device which is easier to be cracked. Meanwhile, by using the error correction DNA codes in encryption process, the ciphertext of the proposed algorithm can reliablely reading and writing in DNA storage system. In this paper, a general image set including lena_gray, peppers_gray and baboon_gray is used to test the security and robustness in DNA storage system of the proposed image encryption algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed image encryption algorithm can effectively resist various attacks and present a high robustness in against base error and sequence loss which are the specific problems of the current DNA storage system.
Key words:  image encryption  joseph traversal  image dissection  DNA error correction codes